The crazy that is Destiny continues, via Kotaku:

Today’s revelation: the weekly heroic strike will soon turn into a “matchmade” activity—in other words, players will be forced into matchmaking whenever they start it with a fireteam of less than three people. No more soloing or running the weekly heroic with a single other friend—you’ll now be stuck in a team of three based on Destiny‘s matchmaking algorithms, like you are whenever you try to run a regular-level strike.

Is it that hard to implement an LFG functionality at this point?

I have been playing with Dolphin the last couple of nights to get it running a couple of games I’d like to run. The first game on the list is Xenoblade Chronicles, which is something I bought day one and never got around to playing.

With the HD retexture project, it’s looking pretty good for a Wii game:

The main problem I have with it is that there are occasional frame dips, and with the current versions of Dolphin, when there is a frame dip, the sound stutters in a pretty annoying way.

I don’t think it’s enough to stop me from playing the game, and I’d much rather play it with it looking like this than the alternative.

Alex Myers says that the main change he’d make to Sakura would be to have her do “slightly less damage in order to give her a better fireball/zoning game.”

I’d argue that a Sakura with a strong zoning game who does less damage is just Ryu with a better tatsu. :) Part of the reason I play Sakura is that I’m not by nature a rushdown player and she forces me to be more versatile.

That said, the changes in Ultra 1.04 are great for Sakura. Not having the EX tatsu (the standard combo opener because it’s safe on block) fly over heads is huge.

From my Twitter feed just now:

Interest isn’t the problem, unnamed guy in this conversation. Women are already interested in games. They are playing games in huge numbers. They are interested in what games have to offer and are broadening the market in ways I couldn’t have predicted, both in terms of consumption and in terms of creation.


Nothing needs to be fixed regarding my wife’s interest in games. Or my daughters’, which for them started from a very early age—and I doubt we are alone in the influence we’ve had on our children being engaged and interested in games.

It’s not a matter of interest. It’s a matter of a toxic culture that takes that interest and then stomps on it. That culture is created and fostered by the men that already inhabit these spaces. It does everything it can to take that interest and convince women that games and gaming communities aren’t for them, then tries to hide the responsibility by saying “this isn’t broken, or at least if it’s broken, it’s not our fault, it’s just how it is.”

This is just magical. I’m pretty sure this is an instant buy, but that already wasn’t too hard given how much entertainment I’ve squeezed out of Saints Row in the last few years.

Maybe the one thing all my kids agree on.

Saturday morning was Mario Kart 8 time for the kids with the release of the first DLC pack. The courses are pretty good, but even if they hadn’t been I’m sure they still would have had some good fun.

It’s rare they want to spend that much time together without getting into a fight or three.


Just getting things ready for Saturday. Decided my old streaming scene was a bit boring, so I tried upping my game. So far I like what I’m seeing and probably won’t change it too much.

Screenshot 2014-10-24 01.30.39

There’s a bunch more color and visual interest. Before, I was using a super-sparse background and I thought it best to change it to something that was busier, but dropped the opacity so it wouldn’t dominate.

I kind of dig adding the silhouette of the St. Louis skyline there. I’m raising money specifically for children’s hospitals in the St. Louis metro area, so it feels fitting and gives it some additional personality.

This kept me up way too late but I love giving just a touch more effort to the look of the stream. Hopefully this will catch some eyes in the main Extra Life directory.

I hope you’ll join me on Saturday.

Bandai Namco makes about two-thirds of the gaming friends I have giddy with joy:

We are very excited to announce that next month it will be possible for players to migrate their Dark Souls: Prepare to Die games, saves and achievements from the Games for Windows Live platform to Steam.

I have regrettably never played through Dark Souls, but I think shifting it away from GFWL will push it onto the list of things I’ll end up streaming later this year. (If I can ever get my streaming act together other than the yearly marathons.)