Let’s talk about Rock Band for a second.

With these games, my passion runs pretty deep. I probably get in a good session every week, grabbing my plastic guitar or drum kit, finding some music to fit the mood, and playing along. It’s great fun and quite challenging.

It costs a little bit of money, but what hobby doesn’t? I’ve picked up a couple of guitars over time. I’ve bought a very nice drum kit to go with it. I’ve spent a good amount on songs to build the library. I’ve become pretty decent at the game, at least on guitar.

Nothing prepared me (or for that matter, my wife) for the Rock Band Stage Kit.

You can picture this in your mind. It’s evening. You’re having a good time pretending to be a completely awesome guitarist. You think to yourself, “Nothing is missing here. This is the experience. I’m playing the music.”

This is fine.

Now take that feeling and add an LED light pod, a fog machine, and a strobe light.

Of course, now you think to yourself, “What on earth does that look like, and is it awesome?”

It looks like this:

And yes, it is awesome. I bought it a little bit for the humor factor—and it does provide that in a way that makes one giddy with laughter—but I have to say that it actually does add something tangible to the experience. It’s synchronized to the on-screen lighting and the music.

I have heard from the Internet that someone out there has hacked together six of these things into one massive light show.

I have some research to do.