Adding Specific Sharing Services to Sharedaddy or Jetpack

UPDATED 3/16/14: I’ve closed comments on this post; most services that aren’t in this list don’t support this kind of connection. I hope you find the instructions and examples here helpful regardless.

UPDATED 3/26/11: Sharedaddy is now distributed as part of Jetpack, so I’m taking the opportunity to add some additional services to this list. Please continue to contribute if you have any other services that you’d like to see on this post.

In my previous post, I described in detail the process necessary to add a sharing service to the Sharing tools (also known to self-hosted WordPress users as the Sharedaddy plugin). Even if your favorite social network or sharing site isn’t available, odds are likely that you can find a method to add that service as a custom sharing button.

For the tutorial, I used Delicious as an example service because it’s a service I’ve used in the past, had a good URL structure that’s easy to demonstrate, and had nice screens that helped my instructions to be easier to follow. (It also had a nice site-provided 16×16 icon that we could use to mark the sharing service.)

This is a collection of various common sharing services that aren’t included in the Sharing tools defaults. It provides the necessary information so you can plug them in to your Sharing options. Remember, the three things you need to define a sharing service are:

  • A name for the sharing service (used for the text label)
  • The URL needed to send a link to the sharing service, which can use up to five variables, which are:
    • %post_tags%
    • %post_title%
    • %post_full_url%
    • %post_url%
    • %post_excerpt%
  • And the URL of a 16×16 icon that can be used for the service.

(If you need a refresher on how to add custom sharing services, please see the previous article.)

I’ll provide the Sharing URL format—including the variable placement—and a 16×16 button icon you can use for the service. Whenever possible, I’ve tried to pull the icon from the sharing service itself to avoid any licensing issues. This means some of the icons are ugly. If you would rather, are there a few very nice sharing service icon collections available, but you’ll have to credit the author if you use them.

Since a good number of blogs have used GetSocialLive in the past, I think that’s as good a place to start as any. I’m only going to include those for version one of this post; if you would like another service or you have one that should be added to this list, please leave a comment and I’ll be happy to include it in a revision. I’d like this post be be a kind of “encyclopedia” of these services for people who are using ShareDaddy.

Filling Out the GetSocialLive Services

Of the services included in the GetSocialLive tool, Facebook, Digg, StumbleUpon, Reddit, and Twitter are already provided for use in Sharing Settings—so you won’t have to worry about those. As for the rest:




Yahoo! Buzz


Services I Use, So They Get Preferential Treatment and Are Higher on the List


Hacker News


Other Services

Do melhor

Google Buzz







But Wait; There’s More

If you have a sharing service you either want to add to Sharedaddy’s custom option, or have added and already know how it works, please feel free to leave a comment on this post and I can get it added to this list.

113 comments on “Adding Specific Sharing Services to Sharedaddy or Jetpack

Comment navigation

    1. Actually, I checked with Google Buzz’s documentation and altered the information above to fit their suggestion. The above URL structure points to Google Reader—what would that add to Google Reader if clicked?

    1. I added this myself and then went to go through comments and notices you’d already dropped this in here.

      If a service isn’t supported in the built-in options in Sharedaddy, then a smart button can’t be shown (because smart buttons always rely on JavaScript or even a small iframe).

    1. Press This will only work if the reader is using, as for self-hosted sites there isn’t a universal end-point to link to.

    1. Check the browser you are using—the drag/drop is JavaScript-based—and if you are having trouble with the plugin, please leave a report on the forum area linked to in the plugin page itself.

  1. Hey Ryan,

    Here is an aggregated (and normalized) list of over 250 sharing services:

    So you don’t have to go around hunting for the right urls :) just use the right service ID and follow the standard URL format.


  2. Thank you Ryan, for taking the time to share these constructed links makes it a lot easier to understand the method behind the creation of the sharing links… :)

    P.s. I also bookmarked this post for reference in the forum for when the question arises…


    1. Awesome. I debated posting it at one point but I chose not to. Feel free to point people in this direction. I think I’ll add some more services to it this weekend; I have a small backlog of comments asking for a few and I just haven’t had time to get to it.

  3. Thanks for this article – I was wondering how can i use this on the posts themselves and not on the main page of my blog. I just want it to show up when they click on a blog topic. I don’t see that as an option in the settings. I also don’t want it to show up on my static pages that don’t have commenting turned on.

    1. Much of what you’re looking for can be found in the Settings > Sharing panel, and remember that you can control the appearance of sharing links for each post or page as well in that post’s Edit screen.

    1. Hi That URL sends me to a page that says file error. Can you help I really need this?

      Thanks so much Jay

  4. Hi,

    Sorry to barge in like this, but I just saw your Adding a Custom Sharing Service to Sharedaddy post, and went about finding out how to get the plugin to work with Pinboard.

    You can use the following URL

    And i came across Social Media Icons, with a bunch of services, 16×16 already included in the zip file.

    I think they do look kinda cool, and it’s nice to be able to have them all from the same set, if you like neat things… ;-)

    Anyway, thanks a lot for your two posts, they really turned what I thought would be a hard task into something painless.

    1. Thanks!

      You’re right about the icons you linked to; I found those when I was researching for the post, but I did not link to them because they were under an Attribution-based CC license, which some people may want to avoid and would be hard to implement for some people using (since they can’t control, for instance, the footer of their site).

  5. Hey, readers.

    Sorry I got behind on approving comments—I’m now working on paying more regular attention to my personal site as I’ve neglected it for far too long.

    I’ll look into updating this post with more of the services you’ve pointed out here and will be more diligent about approving comments faster in the future.

    Thanks for reading!

  6. Hey, all.

    With the release of Jetpack, I’m planning on sprucing this up a bit and finally getting around to catching your requests. Sorry about the wait, and I hope you find the new additions useful.

  7. Great resource. I will be using this page often.
    Do you know of a way to use Sharedaddy to use Evernote’s Site Memory and include the referral code?

  8. Thank you for making it so easy to do it. I tried adding tumblr sharing. It works!!! :) Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  9. It didn’t work with me. The orkut users got an error. Can you try to use the button in one of my posts and telll me what’s happening?

    I would appreciate.


    1. To me, that looks like a problem with Orkut, as the sharing page appears and has all of the correct details, it’s just when you try to submit that the problem occurs. I think the information is getting there but there’s another problem.

      Have you asked Orkut by any chance?

  10. I didn’t ask Orkut because I don’t have an account with them. I’ll ask on of my friends to get support with orkut team.


  11. Ryan,

    I’m hoping that LinkedIn will make your list. My clients ALL depend on it…and it’s definitely a top contender from a number of users and traffic standpoint!


      1. It’s not avaliable on ShareDaddy for self hosted blogs. Could you please add it too? Thank you very much.

        1. I don’t develop it, so this is not up to me, but if it’s added to, it will quite likely come to the self-hosted version sooner or later.

      2. it doesn’t “hack it appart” so much as add the service & a new custom sharing services file. i just did it and it’s working fine for me. nice addition until automattic/jetpack/sharedaddy gets google+ added.

    1. Google hasn’t provided a non-JavaScript way to add the +1 button, so unfortunately this won’t be possible unless the Sharedaddy devs decide to add the service as an included one.

        1. It’s not possible to do this on; if you are trying to do it on a self-hosted installation you will need to install the relevant plugin.

  12. Nice! Thanks for the post! I’m going to add most of these to my Sharedaddy, I just hope we can get Google +1 soon

  13. Good stuff, but I’m having problems with getting the logos to work… And, to be fair, I haven’t tried to see if the sharing actually works, either.

    1. I guess what it is is that the icons don’t come up during setup, but they do on the page itself. Added a few of the links to my site, worked well.

      Thanks again.

      1. That’s right; the custom icons will not appear in the Settings page but they will appear when you view one of your posts with the Sharing buttons.

  14. Awesome post, thank you for the resource and info! However I was aware we couldn’t add java based links and attempted to create Google+; now however I have 2 service I added doing this in my settings, is there a way to remove or edit services instead of just adding?

    Thank you!

  15. Hi, for God sake i am getting crazy. In my wordpress there is no option: “Like Button”! (You can enable/disable the blog Like button in the sharing page) on Settings/sharing! What should i do fo fix that? I would like to make like yours, with the avatars of the people that “like”!

  16. How to add ‘Bookmark to browser’ button? Something simple, like ‘Add to favorites’, with 2 clicks in Sharedaddy plugin?

    1. Yes! Sina Weibo please! It is impossible to find any good social network widget that includes it…it’s only the top social network in all of Chinese-speaking countries…

  17. Really useful article, I’ve used it to add tumblr to sharedaddy.
    I’m not a serious tumblr user so don’t know much about it but I can see reblogging being something to really help a blog post go viral and bring traffic back to the site. Is there a way to include a tumblr share code that would work more as a reblog than a share or do you know of a good wordpress plugin that adds a reblog button?

    1. Diaspora would need a simple URL that could be hit with a query and to my knowledge that doesn’t exist. At the very least it would be limited to a single server based on what I know about it.

  18. I don’t understand why on my site the posts show a SHARE button, but on your site and, all the icons are in a horizontal row, with now SHARE button and popup.

    I just don’t see how to set it up for the on-click / horizontal row style.

      1. When you add or remove services, there are two areas in the active services slot. One puts the services in a line on their own and the other places them behind a “Share” button.

        You can actually mix and match these.

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