Matt shared on his blog the Automattic Creed, which is how my colleagues and I live and breathe on a daily basis:

I will never stop learning. I won’t just work on things that are assigned to me. I know there’s no such thing as a status quo. I will build our business sustainably through passionate and loyal customers. I will never pass up an opportunity to help out a colleague, and I’ll remember the days before I knew everything. I am more motivated by impact than money, and I know that Open Source is one of the most powerful ideas of our generation. I will communicate as much as possible, because it’s the oxygen of a distributed company. I am in a marathon, not a sprint, and no matter how far away the goal is, the only way to get there is by putting one foot in front of another every day. Given time, there is no problem that’s insurmountable.

Working for with Automattic has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life and certainly the best job I’ve ever had. I love what I do and the impact I have in making the experience of users and visitors better each day.

If you’re reading this and think this sounds interesting, maybe you should consider applying.

Hey, WordPress theme developers.

There’s something I’d like to ask you not to do anymore. Don’t do this:

Here, too:

And why not?

You are making a promise to people who visit any blog that uses your theme, and it’s one that may or may not be respected and honored by the blog owner or author.

“Your email address will never be published or shared.”

This type of language or a variant thereof is in an awful lot of WordPress themes. (In the first example above, “never” is even in italics to stress how important this is. Needless to say, on the blog where this notice was found (using a commonly-available theme), comments that didn’t agree with the author had their email addresses published in retorts by the blog author.

Because WordPress provides blog moderators with the email address (and the IP) of users who comment on their posts, the very information that many themes say will not be shared is given to the one person (or people) who have the ability to publish it for other readers of the post to see.

So I say think twice before putting this language in your theme.

I just updated my two tutorial posts on adding custom sharing services to Sharedaddy, which is now bundled with Jetpack for WordPress:

These are by far the most popular posts here, so I thought I should give them some long overdue attention.

I’ve added the missing variables and have added Tumblr as a sharing service to the list. This weekend I hope to go through the rest of the requests and add them into the post, as well as clean up some of the markup, which doesn’t play as nice with my new theme so it looks kind of ugly right now.

Today’s been busy enough that I haven’t had the opportunity to put up some new work on it, but over the weekend, I was able to whip up the code to put together the custom post type I’d like to use for podcasts. (My original post on the project is here.)

My guides for this were the well-exampled Codex entry, Justin Tadlock’s posts on the matter, and Konstantin Kovshenin’s excellent posts as well. My code is structured after the example in the Codex with a little bit of experimentation:

# Let's get things started and fire up the custom post type for Podcasts.
add_action('init', 'simple_podcast_init');
function simple_podcast_init()
	$labels = array(
		'name' => _x('Podcasts', 'post type general name'),
		'singular_name' => _x('Podcast', 'post type singular name'),
		'add_new' => _x('Add New', 'podcast'),
		'add_new_item' => __('Add New Podcast'),
		'edit_item' => __('Edit Podcast'),
		'new_item' => __('New Podcast'),
		'view_item' => __('View Podcast'),
		'search_items' => __('Search Podcasts'),
		'not_found' => __('No podcasts found'),
		'not_found_in_trash' => __('No podcasts found in Trash'),
		'parent_item_colon' => ''
	$args = array(
		'labels' => $labels,
		'public' => true,
		'publicly_queryable' => true,
		'show_ui' => true,
		'query_var' => true,
		'capability_type' => 'post',
		'taxonomies' => array('post_tag', 'category'),
		'hierarchical' => false,
		'menu_position' => 5,
		'supports' => array('title','editor','author','thumbnail','excerpt','comments','revisions')

This successfully registers the custom post type and its behaviors (though I’m not certain I like the taxonomies and may need to move to something else in the future), but there remains a problem: upon activating the plugin, any attempt to view a podcast results in a 404 from the permalink.

I’ve seen references elsewhere to flushing the rewrite rules, but it’s not clear to me where in the process this should go or how it’s supposed to be called. My understanding is that I don’t want to do that every time the plugin initializes, because that’s not being a good steward of server resources. (Of course, if I visit the panel at Settings > Permalinks, everything works just like it should.)

Unfortunately, I’ve not yet seen an example of code that would properly reset the rewrite rules when this is turned on. Here’s what I tried and failed with:

# Because we're adding a rewrite, we need to flush the rules on activation.
	function simple_podcast_flush_rules()
		global $wp_rewrite;
register_activation_hook( __FILE__ , 'simple_podcast_flush_rules' );

Does anyone reading this have a suggestion for where I might be going wrong? I eventually had to step back from it and won’t get a chance to try again until later.

Playing more with custom post types has also revealed a small flaw in my designs: the podcasts won’t “mesh” with the regular posts on the blog. Their taxonomies (as far as I can tell) can’t be shared, and the podcasts won’t display in the main feed of the blog, either.

Then again, this may or may not be a concern, depending on how one would structure the site.

An awesome write-up on how the brand-new, released-on-launch-day iPhone app came to be from Raanan:

Back in late February I met up with Raven Zachary and his team from Small Society as well as our own Matt Mullenweg, to figure out if we could get an iPad app for WordPress ready in less than 30 days.

The team at Automattic pulled it off, and iPad users will be rocking the official WordPress app starting tomorrow morning. Check out the full post, which includes one of’s fancy new slideshows, and this shot of the plan behind the app:

So cool.

Moderated by Dan Oliver

Panel: Jina Bolton designer @ crush+lovely; Brendan Dawes, Creative Director @ magneticNorth; Dan Mall, Senior Designer @ Big Spaceship; Shane Mielke, Creative Director @ 2Advanced

Abstract: Is WordPress killing web design? Leading creatives from the world of web design debate whether CMS tools have made designers lazy, and created a new set of design conventions that designers feel obliged to follow.


  • Not just talking about WordPress – all CMS platforms
  • What is the problem with designing with a CMS?
    • Some people say it makes designers lazy
    • WordPress is something everyone on this panel has used
    • Problem – when people lock on to it as a sort of sitemap or a planning tool for what you will design
      • Focus on the tool over the design
      • Not all sites need to feel like they have a CMS behind them (and shouldn’t)
    • What’s killing web design is a lack of imagination, not an abundance of tools
    • Dawes – WordPress not for large sites with lots of different types of content
    • Bolton – left WordPress for a while because it wasn’t enough for desired use and began using Reflect (never released) and on a site relaunch decided instead to go back to WordPress – known quantity, easier to make what she wanted
      • WordPress is *not* difficult to customize – documentation is out there
  • Moderator comment – WordPress has made web publishing ubiquitous and this is a good thing – Are designers becoming too reliant on CMS themes?
    • Mall – CMSes remove a lot of the overhead for people starting something; designers sometimes just default to a theme and then try to squeeze that theme into what they are trying to do
    • Dawes – this depends on the situation: themes are really good for people who don’t know how to code and can’t make their own designs; how you say something is as important as what you say, and themes take the personality of the site away – it’s not something that expresses you
    • Dawes – WordPress takes the pain away from content management
    • Mielke – Impressed by any sort of creativity that makes you wonder how something was done and obscures the tools used in order to make it
  • Moderator – when building a site, there’s a lot of broken apart duties – do CMS tools widen the gap between graphic and web design?
    • Mall – helps people who might not know much about Web design to get the gist with very little work – enables play
    • Dawes – where the more interesting work is being done is with designers who also use coding as part of their toolset – these people are hard to find; thinks there is a problem with people who come from print trying to impose their concepts on web design (big fonts)
    • Bolton: a perception issue – if you want to think of the CMS as a constraint, then it will be
  • Moderator: what have the major effects of CMS tools been on web design?
    • Mielke – we emulate others – if the big people out there have simplistic CMS-tool-looking sites, then other people are going to do the same – not as much diversity in design anymore anyway, not necessarily because of CMS use
    • Dawes – little design touches are what make the experience for people – design in general has become homogenous – users don’t necessarily care what the CMS is, they are only looking at the front-end
  • Modreator – have CMS tools such as WordPress made web design homogeneous?
    • consensus seems to be yes, but not because of the CMS
  • Moderator – what can we do to inject new life into web design?
    • Bolton – Art in My Coffee – gets a lot of questions about how that’s a Tumblr site – use CSS to your advantage
    • Mall – designers should get away from the computer and create things that aren’t necessarily digital once in a while; don’t be afraid to screw something up
    • Bolton – if you have other skillsets, try to find ways to bring that into your design work – it adds an investment and a personal touch
    • Dawes – read about things that you know nothing about – broader your horizons
    • Mielke – one web site can’t possibly express everything about you at once – have more than one and practice on each
  • Moderator – what’s to blame for increased use of CMS tools by web designers?
    • Mall – sometimes it’s because it’s easiest for the user to figure it out – should have more reasoning behind the choice than your own comfortability
    • Dawes – where it goes wrong is when the CMS begins making demands on the design
  • Moderator – as experienced designers, what can you do to improve things?
    • Dawes – if your frame of reference is wide and you are learning new things every day, you have the ability to do good things – read things that increase your knowledge, and not just about design – curiosity
    • Mielke – personality is the key – have one and put it into your designs
    • Mall – one question asked in every interview – if you are singing karaoke and closing out the night, what song would you sing – this showcases people’s personality and creativity
  • Moderator – how do you stay creative?
    • Mielke – pursue your other interests and hobbies because they enhance the other things you do, including design
    • Mall – the emerging theme here is to express yourself and be yourself – tap into your creativity and personality
    • Dawes – slow down, don’t go from A to B as quickly as possible all the time

Are you interested in getting together with other WordPress users in the St. Louis metro area who use WordPress either personally or professionally and would like to talk about, listen to others talk about, learn about, and share their love of WordPress?

If you are, please either leave a comment on this post or send me an email using my contact form. I would love to hear from you.

I’m part of this crew now. :)

Yesterday was my first day as a full-time employee of Automattic.

This is extremely exciting for me.

I have been creating and working with Web stuff ever since I first learned about it back in high school. In the mid-90’s, I bought a book, taught myself HTML, and not long after created my first ugly, colored-text-on-black, graphics-heavy, completely unusable Web site on AOL—using TeachText. (It didn’t last long.) Web coding and standards became an important hobby factor in my life all through college and beyond, and even helped pay the bills on occasion.

I started blogging in college, first rolling my own system in ASP (with the help of my roommate and best friend) and later using young services like LiveJournal and then graduating to hosting my own, hopping from software to software for a while. I remember what WordPress was like without themes and plugins. I first started using WordPress for my personal Web site “full-time” in 2003, and have been following its development and using it ever since. I’ve developed Web sites for other people using WordPress. I’ve helped lots of others set up their blogs and learn how to publish for themselves using WordPress.

In short, WordPress has been a big part of my life for years now.

In my last job, I created some learning materials for other employees and for customers, including documentation and a few tutorial videos. I’ve long advocated the use of the Internet—and specifically the WordPress platform—as a tool for building Web sites that serve a community of users and help them to get the most out of the tools and software they are using.

It was only natural upon hearing about the position of Reel Wrangler that submitted my name for consideration and hoped for the best. That was nearly eight months ago.

Days later, I was speaking on the phone with Michael Pick about the job and why I was interested in it. I remember that I had a hard time reserving my enthusiasm. A couple of months later, I began working in the evenings and on the weekends, helping to collect, organize, and publish videos from users and WordCamps around the world on That work has been great. I’ve met a lot of really interesting people, seen a lot of great WordCamp sessions as part of the review process, helped a bunch of WordPress users, and have come to know my coworkers at Automattic and learn what it’s like to work with the team. The “trial” of contract work was really fun and the company and I learned whether we were right for each other.

Thankfully, the answer was “yes,” and so on my 30th birthday, I signed an offer for full-time work. Automattic is a “distributed” company, which means that we all work from home and are located all around the world. I’ll be working as a Happiness Engineer; half of the time I will be focusing my efforts on customer care for and other services, and the other half of the time I will be continuing to update and improve as a visual resource for WordPress.

It’s an interesting change to working from home and being disciplined enough to do that around my four children, but I’m looking forward to the experience and being part of something really, really cool. I have grown to believe in the power and importance of open source software, and to be working with a group of people who live with that kind of ethos is an awesome thing. My fellow Automatticians are a diverse, unique, fun, and supremely intelligent bunch of people and I am fortunate to be working with them.

So yes, it’s been an eventful couple of weeks, and I’m excited to be starting this adventure. I’m sure you’ll hear more.

This is awesome.

The blog is now being translated regularly into Japanese and Portuguese.

And according to ZĂ© Fontainhas, the blogs are also being populated with content specific to those locales and/or languages.

A neat idea, and one that will hopefully continue to drive WordPress adoption in the non-English-speaking world.