As a self-proclaimed and fully-fledged member of Cardinal Nation, I have to admit that I really love the slogan the Cards are using for their publicity this year. I also like to promote things I am interested in or care about.

After a lot of searching, I unfortunately couldn’t find an image that was of a suitable size for displaying in my blog sidebar, so what I did is search for the best image I could find from that campaign, put it in the right sizes, and created a bunch of buttons for myself (you can see one in the sidebar of this blog if you go to the main page).

If you want to use these on your own size, please feel free. I’m not making any claim on the images. Here they are, in several widths:


Yes, I do realize that the words and images used in these are trademarks of the Cardinals organization. If you are reading this and you are from the Cardinals organization, please just contact me if you want them taken down and I’ll do it. Better yet, I would appreciate it if you would take these or make your own and host them on the Cardinals website so others can have the opportunity to proclaim their Cardinals nationality.