For Perhaps the First Time, Words Fail Me

Earlier, I chose the quickest method of communication to reach the most people we would have told (Twitter) that we were expecting a child, but by now I’m sure most of you know that we have unfortunately miscarried. Many of you have already sent us kind words and encouragement. I may write more later, but words aren’t readily available yet. The words may never arrive.

Those of you who know me know that I don’t hide my emotions well. I chose to share our good news early so you, my family, friends, and colleagues, could celebrate with us and share in our happiness. I appreciate that you are also so willing to share and offer your condolences in our sorrows and I am grateful beyond words for your love.

I’ve said before that being a parent is the source of both the greatest joys and the greatest sadnesses in my life. Today it is more the latter.

4 comments on “For Perhaps the First Time, Words Fail Me

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  1. This has happened to several of my relatives, so I can understand if not fully comprehend what you are going through. Deepest Sympathies.

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